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Voltaat Arduino Ultimate Kit
120 min

Make a RFID Lock System With Servo Using Arduino

Have you ever seen a smart lock in which you have to put the card on the reader to get access? Well, with Arduino, we can create our own smart lock using an RFID lock system that requires a unique card to perform a specific action. In our case, we will use it to open a door with a servo motor.

Project Video


In this tutorial, we will make an RFID lock system that opens a door when a unique card is used with the device, and we will use a servo motor to open and close that door.

Getting the Items

Arduino Uno R3 (Voltaat Version)
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2×16 LCD with I2C Module
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SG90 Servo -Positional Rotation
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1/4 Watt Resistor (20 Pack)
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LED Kit – (4 colors, 5 pieces each)
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Active Buzzer - 5V
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Half-size Breadboard
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Jumper Wires - Male to Male (40 Pack)
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Jumper Wires – Male to Female (40 Pack)
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Wiring it Up

Connect the wires between the RFID module and the Arduino and the servo and the buzzer  as shown in the image below.



Connections from the Arduino to the breadboard:


  • Arduino GND pin →Breadboard ground line


  • Arduino 5V pin →Breadboard 5V line



Connections fromthe RFID reader to the Arduino:


  • RFID 3.3V pin →Arduino VCC (3.3V) pin


 • RFID RST pin →Arduino pin 9


 • RFID GND pin →Breadboard ground line


  • RFID IRQ pin →unconnected


  • RFID MISO pin →Arduino pin 12


  • RFID MOSI pin →Arduino pin 11


  • RFID SCK pin →Arduino pin 13


  • RFID SDA pin →Arduino pin 10




Connections fromthe servo motor:


  • Servo GND pin→breadboard GND line


  • Servo 5V pin→breadboard 5V line


  • Servo signal pin→ Arduino pin 3




Connections fromthe passive buzzer :


  • passive buzzerGND pin → Breadboard ground line


  • passive buzzerVCC pin (+ pin) → Arduino pin 6




Connections fromthe Green LED :


  • Green LED anodepin → Arduino pin 5


  • Green LED cathodepin → 330 ohm resistor first pin → Breadboard ground line



Connections fromthe Red LED :


  • Red LED anode pin→ Arduino pin 7


  • Red LED cathodepin → 330 ohm resistor first pin → Breadboard ground line





 Voltaat learn (

 Link for full tutorial:

 RFID reader library:

 Tutorial: RFID Lock System With Servo Using Arduino

 The purpose of this sketch is to open and close a door with a servo motor

 when a unique card is brought near the RFID module.


 Connections from the Arduino to the breadboard:

 • Arduino GND pin → Breadboard ground line


 • Arduino 5V pin → Breadboard 5V line



 Connections from the RFID reader to the Arduino:



 • RFID 3.3V pin → Arduino VCC (3.3V) pin


 • RFID RST pin → Arduino pin 9


 • RFID GND pin → Breadboard ground line


 • RFID IRQ pin → unconnected


 • RFID MISO pin → Arduino pin 12


 • RFID MOSI pin → Arduino pin 11


 • RFID SCK pin → Arduino pin 13


 • RFID SDA pin → Arduino pin 10




 Connections from the servo motor:


 • Servo GND pin→ breadboard GND line


 • Servo 5V pin→ breadboard 5V line


 • Servo signal pin → Arduino pin 3




 Connections from the passive buzzer :


 • passive buzzer GND pin → Breadboard ground line


 • passive buzzer VCC pin (+ pin) → Arduino pin 6




 Connections from the Green LED :


 • Green LED anode pin → Arduino pin 5


 • Green LED cathode pin → 330 ohm resistor first pin → Breadboard ground line



 Connections from the Red LED :


 • Red LED anode pin → Arduino pin 7


 • Red LED cathode pin → 330 ohm resistor first pin → Breadboard ground line



// MFRC522 Library  


#include "SPI.h"  

#include "MFRC522.h"  

#include "Servo.h"  

#include "Wire.h"  

#include "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h" 

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);  

Servo s1;  

#define SS_PIN 10  

#define RST_PIN 9  

#define LED_G 5  //define green LED pin  

#define LED_R 7  //define red LED  

#define BUZZER 6 //buzzer pin  

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);  // Create MFRC522 instance.  

//Servo myServo; //define servo name  

void setup()  


 Serial.begin(9600);  // Initiate a serial communication  

 SPI.begin();     // Initiate SPI bus  




 mfrc522.PCD_Init();  // Initiate MFRC522  

 s1.attach(3); //servo pin  

 // myServo.write(0); //servo start position  

 pinMode(LED_G, OUTPUT);  

 pinMode(LED_R, OUTPUT);  

 pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);  


 Serial.println("Put your card to the reader...");  



 lcd.print(" Put your card   ");  


void loop()  


 // Look for new cards  

 if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())  




 // Select one of the cards  

 if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial())  




 //Show UID on serial monitor  

 Serial.print("UID tag :");  

 String content= "";  

 byte letter;  

 for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++)  


   Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");  

   Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);  

   content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "));  

   content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));  



 Serial.print("Message : ");  


 if (content.substring(1) == "10 A6 DC 51") //change here the UID of the card/cards that you want to give access  


  Serial.println("Authorized access");  



    lcd.print(" CARD IS VALID      ");  


    lcd.print("Opening the Door   ");  

    digitalWrite(LED_G, HIGH); //Green LED ON  





    lcd.print("closing the Door   ");  

    digitalWrite(LED_G, LOW);  //Green LED OFF  



    lcd.print(" Put your card   ");  


    lcd.print("                ");  




  Serial.println("CARD IS INVALID");  


   lcd.print("CARD IS INVALID   ");  

   digitalWrite(LED_R, HIGH);   // Red LED ON  

   tone(BUZZER, 300);       // Buzzer ON  


   digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW);  



   lcd.print("               ");  



Testing it Out

Once you’ve uploaded the code to the Arduino board, you will find that the servo will rotate to open the door when a unique card is brought near the RFID module, then the door will close automatically after a delay of three seconds.


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